Our purpose...
What is the PCCO Mission & Vision?
Our mission is to provide education, advocacy, public awareness and support services to families in our community experiencing all types of loss.
Our vision is to unite the community and support families in the process of healing in a positive way.
Family Circles
For families who are experiencing pregnancy related grief & loss
At Propa City Community Outreach, we are dedicated to advocating for awareness around pregnancy and infant loss. Dealing with this type of loss is by no means an easy feat, but through personal connection and community resources we believe we can encourage families to find the voice they need to speak up and honor their child.
We hold healing and educational workshops and invite families of all walks of life to join our healing community.
Our sessions can be tailored to:
Support People (ie. grandparents, siblings and friends)
Families & Caregivers not listed
We also facilitate trainings for healthcare professionals. Inquire for more details.
Propa Talk
For Teens
Giving the youth a voice to advocate for their healing
With this initiative, our goal is to promote great opportunities for youth to create their own definition of healing. With access to the right resources, our youth become empowered to see their own abilities and gain the confidence to advocate for their own positive healing. Youth are presented with a safe space for conversation, questions, education and mentoring.
We host 8-12 week youth advocacy trainings for middle schools, high schools and other youth groups.
Other Youth Opportunities:
Joining the PCCO Youth Advisory Board from March to June
Volunteering at PCCO events for community service hours
Attending Youth Healing Sessions
Participating in our Vision Youth Future Readiness Expo
Becoming a PCCO Intern in college
Being Eligible for a Shelbia Irene Scholarship
Healing Sessions
From Process to Progress...
With our organization’s mission always in mind, we strive to find new strategies for creating individualized plans for positive healing. The effects of loss are something that we take very seriously, and our team is working each and every day to make a positive impact in our community.
Contact us to learn how to bring one of our Healing Sessions to your job, family, church or community organization.
Our healing sessions provide a positive space to experience and rediscover healing modalities that heal your mind & body through expression, communication and creative hands on activities.

Founder &
Executive Director
Stephanie Crawford M.Ed
Operations Manager
LaNette Peavy

“Rarely, if ever, are any of us healed in isolation. Healing is an act of communion.”
-bell hooks

Contact Propa City
Community Outreach

On February 7th, 2011, Stephanie gave birth to Simeon Jelani when she was 39 weeks pregnant. Unfortunately, Simeon was born "still" as his heart had stopped beating in utero. After taking a moment to process everything, Stephanie decided to establish the non-profit Propa City Community Outreach in honor of Simeon. This organization provides support to families facing similar tragedies through resources, peer support, raising awareness, advocacy efforts, and educational events. Stephanie aims to shine a light for those who are feeling lost until they find their way again.